Dunstan Thomas deploys Imago Illustrations across Curtis Banks for pension illustrations

Dunstan Thomas deploys Imago Illustrations across Curtis Banks for pension illustrations

Dunstan Thomas, the retirement market solutions provider, announced today it has won a major contract to provide pension illustrations to Curtis Banks' advisers, business partners and pension administrators. The system will provide enhanced access to Pension Freedoms-ready pension illustrations for all Curtis Banks self-invested personal pensions, including MasterSIPP and SimSIPP, for advisers and in-house pension administrators.

The system is also available for all other pensions provided by Curtis Banks. Dunstan Thomas Imago will drive pre- and post-sale illustrations, review Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations (SMPIs) as well as Drawdown reviews for all adviser-facing pension offerings from Curtis Banks.

Dunstan Thomas Imago provides complex calculations on which accurate, comprehensive, custom-branded pension illustrations are built for both accumulation and decumulation events. Dunstan Thomas technology also ensures a secure, yet smooth web interface and seamless user journey. Its tools offer real-time calculation and an up-to-the-minute responsive user interface which is optimised for smart devices as well as desktop computers.

Chris Read, Group CEO, Dunstan Thomas Holdings, said:

“Curtis Banks is our first major customer to go live on Imago Front Office Version 5 which was launched four months ago. The successful deployment for a major provider of diverse and complex self-invested pensions such as Curtis Banks shows the versatility, scalability and robustness of our Imago platform.”

Will Self, Chief Executive Officer, Curtis Banks, added:

“Enhancing the tools at advisers’ disposal is important for our business and provides yet more evidence of the fast progress we’ve made since joining the Curtis Banks Group. This delivery improves our proposition and functionality for advisers.”