Opinions from our experts

18 Oct 2024

Autumn Budget: The role of pensions in growing the UK economy

It is by enticing us to place more of our pension investments in Britain, and more of them in growing companies and infrastructure, that we will get this hoped for growth.

19 Sep 2024

The need for a comprehensive client database in financial advice

You could give the best advice in the world, but it's likely to count for very little in the eye of the regulator if you can't evidence how when asked.

22 Aug 2024

How SSAS & SIPP can help prevent working capital shortage resulting in halted pension contributions for directors

I have recently noticed that, in small firms, pensions affordability can be a real issue – especially for the directors and most senior staff.

29 Jul 2024

Retirement Income Tools: Building on the advances of savings tools

Andrew Martin considers how retirement income tools can be implemented to help clients to answer the question 'how long will my pension last?

19 Jul 2024

Hyper-personalised financial advice: Creating better consumer outcomes with AI

Andrew Martin discusses how AI can help to create better customer outcomes through hyper-personalised financial advice

18 Jul 2024

Labour pensions policy: Industry needs stability from Keir Starmer

Paul Muir discusses potential pension changes under the new Labour government and Keir Starmer

28 Jun 2024

The importance of trust for clients when choosing a financial adviser

Adrian Boulding and Ihab El-Saie discuss the ABCD of trust for advisor/client interactions, and how they can lead to a client choosing a financial adviser

18 Jun 2024

Should my client pay into their SIPP or join a CDC scheme?

Adrian Boulding discusses the key features of collective defined contribution schemes, compared to SIPP key features

05 Jun 2024

Consumer Duty: Concern regarding cashback incentives for pension transfers

Adrian Boulding discusses offering cashback incentives on pension transfers, and how this sits with Consumer Duty obligations

21 May 2024

Pensions illustrations regulation risks FCA Consumer Duty compliance obligations

Paul Muir discusses the key COBS rules that go into a key features illustration and how the highly prescriptive nature of these rules may need to be adapted for Consumer Duty outcomes.

09 May 2024

Pensions Dashboards systems must scale rapidly to handle demand

Paul Muir discusses how Pensions Dashboards ISP solutions must be able to handle demand for the PDP

01 May 2024

Illiquid Investments as a satellite investment alongside a core portfolio

Adrian Boulding discusses the three key rules for navigating illiquid investments

25 April 2024

Getting Pensions Dashboards Ready: PDP connection staging dates published

The DWP has released it's pensions dashboard connection staging dates - but how can pensions providers and schemes get pensions dashboards ready?

17 April 2024

Agile IT for pensions technology: Staying ahead of regulatory and pensions tax reforms

Paul Muir, Products Director at Dunstan Thomas, discusses how Agile IT is required for current pensions technology as regulatory disclosure and pensions tax reforms come faster than ever

27 March 2024

Spring Budget 2024: Chancellor focuses on supporting UK investment

Adrian Boulding discusses how buying gilts can offer a useful counterbalance to higher-risk investments within a balanced portfolio.

20 March 2024

Are gilts a good-value fit for clients’ retirement income needs?

Adrian Boulding discusses how buying gilts can offer a useful counterbalance to higher-risk investments within a balanced portfolio.

05 March 2024

Sustainable Pensions: Feeding the World with AgTech Investment

Adrian Boulding discusses how sustainable pensions investment can help AgTech to enable crucial farming changes

29 February 2024

LTA Replacement: The new Lump Sum Allowance & Death Benefit Allowance

Adrian Boulding discusses the two new Lifetime Allowance replacements: the new lump sum allowance and the death benefit allowance

19 February 2024

Gen Z and pensions: intentions competing with reality

Alex Anderson discusses the benefits and difficulties for Gen Z and their pension savings, from the perspective of a UK Gen Zer.

13 February 2024

Consumer Duty Obligations: Advising the Baby Boomer Generation

Adrian Boulding consider the Consumer Duty obligations of advisers and providers, with regards to the Baby Boomer generation.

30 November 2023

Driving Pensions Engagement Through a Whole of Life Financial Planning App

Paul Muir discusses using stochastic modelling and cloud computing to drive pensions engagement via whole of life financial planning apps.

23 November 2023

Autumn Statement 2023: consequences of Pension 'Pot for Life' reform

Adrian Boulding discusses the potential unintended consequences of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt's pot for life reform in the Autumn Statement 2023.

21 November 2023

Taking Advantage of Commercial Property for Pension Planning

Commercial property has suffered after being hit by both higher interest rates and the rise of ‘new normal’ working patterns, which have reduced demand for office space substantially.

16 November 2023

Blockchain for pensions: How distributed ledger technology can aid digital transformation

Adrian Boulding and Ihab El-Saie look at blockchain for pensions, and explore the potential of distributed ledger technology for the pensions industry

08 November 2023

Harnessing AI tools to support Consumer Duty and advice

Adrian Boulding and Paul Muir look at how generative AI tools can improve financial literacy and support the consumer duty consumer understanding outcome

23 October 2023

Improving Retirement Income: Maximising excess pension savings

Adrian Boulding looks at improving retirement income by helping clients maximising excess pension savings

10 October 2023

Joint Life Annuity Rates could be favourable

Meanwhile, the DC market is too short-term focused, with a need for daily pricing of units and high levels of liquidity to cope with the surge of outflows that can follow a change of fashion or a new threat like climate change.

18 September 2023

Unlisted investments not suitable for DC schemes

Meanwhile, the DC market is too short-term focused, with a need for daily pricing of units and high levels of liquidity to cope with the surge of outflows that can follow a change of fashion or a new threat like climate change.

29 Aug 2023

Do CDC schemes hold more benefits than DC?

Many of us have read about the sophisticated actuarial models that show the expected retirement income from a collective defined contribution scheme is around one-third greater than that generated by a DC scheme and purchasing an annuity at retirement.

08 Aug 2023

Goldilocks and the Annuities

We are in the reporting season for insurers to tell us how many of their products advisers sold in the first half of 2023. One of the first to report was Just, which announced individual annuity sales were 54% up at over £470 million.

20 July 2023

DC pension schemes look to illiquid investments to increase retirement income prospects

As the pensions industry unpicks the Mansion House pension reforms, a look at what some of the planned changes may have in store.

14 July 2023

Adrian Boulding: Pensions reform must reflect behaviours we are trying to changes

The scrapping of the lifetime allowance (LTA) and increasing of the threshold for annual allowance (AA) from £40,000 to £60,000 announced in the Budget leads me to ask: what behaviours are we trying to encourage with tax changes?

22 June 2023

Generative AI could hail the birth of the 'bionic financial adviser'

Could developments in generative AI herald the beginning of the era of bionic advice: a hybrid of human judgement backed by an all-knowing and intelligent assistant adviser? Ihab El-Saie explores the issues...

07 June 2023

Nudging your way to a higher retirement income

Adrian Boulding explores the concept of nudging savers towards building a higher retirement income, including the self-employed section of the workforce...

12 May 2023

Why cloud computing is crucial to pensions dashboard success

One of the key reasons companies are migrating their core software applications to cloud is scale. Cloud computing scalability is like a motorway with multiple lanes that can be opened or closed depending on the level of traffic flow.

09 May 2023

How providers and platforms can meet Consumer Duty obligations through modern portals

By 31 July 2023, providers and platforms will need to have systems and processes in place for gathering and analysing a great deal more data about their policyholders with a view to discharging their new Consumer Duty-linked responsibilities efficiently.

12 Apr 2023

Index Linked Gilts: The advantages for high income clients

There are multiple upsides of buying index linked gilts right now, which may make them worthy of consideration for inclusion in client portfolios.

03 Apr 2023

Consumer Duty: Real risk provider/adviser tensions will rise

The new obligations, which the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) details in its July 2022-published Policy Statement (PS22/9) entitled ‘A new Consumer Duty', demand much more of providers and platforms in terms of getting to know their customers and serving them better from 31 July 2023.

14 Mar 2023

The new consumer duty is an opportunity to utilise data in a different way

One area that has not been widely discussed regarding the implications for the Financial Conduct Authority’s new consumer duty regulation is the additional strain it may place on relations between providers and advisers.

09 Mar 2023

Pensions Dashboards Delay: Less risk in rollout

The day one reaction to pension minister Laura Trott’s announcement about the delays for pensions dashboards was understandably one of frustration. But on calmer reflection, it is a decision that will bring us some benefits and had probably become inevitable.

08 Mar 2023

Small Pension Pots: Maximising Value For Money

In the face of the current cost of living crisis, and the UK’s economic slowdown, it has never been more important to squeeze every last ounce of retirement income from the modest amounts that employers and their employees can afford to contribute to pension schemes.

06 Mar 2023

Pensions Dashboards Programme: The challenge of data matching

Andrew Martin looks at the pensions dashboard project through the lens of data matching and dating apps...

09 Feb 2023

State pension age hikes: Retirement affordability advice needed

Over the next 25 years to 2047, we are going to see a 24% increase in the number of Brits who are over the age of 65. Today, 12.1 million have reached that milestone and in 2047 there will be 15.1 million of us over 65.

31 Jan 2023

Advisers’ new role in retirement planning

I recently combed through the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) second state pension age review report again, which is due to publish its conclusions this spring.

25 Jan 2023

Whitepaper outlines six digital tools to help providers meet FCA Consumer Duty

Six digital tools to help providers meet their Consumer Duty requirements have been outlined in a report from Dunstan Thomas, including a potential value for money assessment tool.

25 Jan 2023

Dunstan Thomas new Whitepaper flags Consumer Duty risks for advised platforms

Dunstan Thomas has published a new whitepaper about the threats and opportunities the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty poses for adviser platforms. The paper also looks at how product providers within the pensions space will fare under the new rules.

25 Jan 2023

Consumer Duty to accelerate 'data-driven innovation'

The incoming Consumer Duty requirements from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) give firms an opportunity to take ownership of “data-driven innovation” which must be accelerated to ensure compliance with the rules, according to a Dunstan Thomas white paper.

25 Jan 2023

Consumer duty ‘to fall hardest’ on life and pension providers

Life and pension product providers will struggle more than most with the Financial Conduct Authority’s incoming consumer duty, largely because it will require them to manage legacy books of business which have not been touched in years.

21 Nov 2022

Pension Planning: Have a decumulation plan and stick with it

A well thought out decumulation plan will have scenario tested what to do when markets move. So, go back to it and follow it as far as is practicable. Almost certainly, some portfolio re-balancing will be needed now.

05 Nov 2022

Adrian Boulding: Seven ways to combat inflation in client portfolios

Approaching half (43%) of ‘baby-boomers’ – currently aged from 58 to 75 – are or will be reliant on defined contribution (DC) pensions for the bulk of their retirement income when they retire.

19 Oct 2022

A quarter of female baby boomers view their pension communications as 'poor'

A quarter (25 per cent) of female savers aged 58-75 year olds viewed communications from their pension provider as “poor”, compared with 16 per cent of men, research from Dunstan Thomas has revealed.

05 Oct 2022

Adrian Boulding: Pension providers fail to engage baby boomer generation

Pension providers are failing to engage baby boomers, especially women, according to research from Dunstan Thomas. The level of engagement with wake up packs was poor for both genders, but is slightly worse among women

16 Sep 2022

Adrian Boulding: Dealing with clients who have decumulation CDC

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is getting ready for Decumulation CDC. The DWP asked, ‘How could CDCs work in practice in the DC decumulation market?’

14 Sep 2022

State pension: Britons urged to check entitlement as many left ‘vulnerable’

Over half a million retired single women are relying upon the state pension alone, with experts warning this could be devastating given the cost of living crisis.

30 Aug 2022

The “Great Resignation” – 9% of Boomers take early retirement during the Pandemic

One in every 10 baby boomers left the UK workforce during the pandemic, new research has found. Of the 13.22 million UK boomers, 3% aged 58 to 75 said COVID "forced into earlier than planned retirement by being made redundant or losing contract work and not being able to find new paid work".

16 Aug 2022

Sky News: One in 10 baby boomers left the workforce during COVID

One in every 10 baby boomers left the UK workforce during the pandemic, new research has found. Of the 13.22 million UK boomers, 3% aged 58 to 75 said COVID "forced into earlier than planned retirement by being made redundant or losing contract work and not being able to find new paid work".

11 Aug 2022

Daily Express:5 steps to 'generate enough cash' for your bills as hundreds ‘forced’ into retirement

Older Britons are at risk of a retirement crisis as research has found many are being forced into departing the workforce sooner than they expected, despite reluctance to do so.

11 Aug 2022

1.2m Baby Boomers left workforce during Covid

Nearly 1.2 million Baby Boomers left the UK workforce during the pandemic, according to a study by retirement technology solutions provider Dunstan Thomas.

04 Aug 2022

State pension: Britons set to retire past 70 as calls on retirement incomes increase

State Pension age retirement goals are no longer a reality for many, who have said they will work into their 70s as calls on retirement income have risen. Forced retirement age is no longer a policy, which offers Britons flexibility in when they are going to retire.

03 Aug 2022

The pension industry reacts to Consumer Duty

The Financial Conduct Authority expects firms to implement the new Consumer Duty within 12 months from 31 July. While the deadline was slightly extended, the new rules will apply to every authorised business. In this article, Money Marketing surveys the pension industry for its take on the new piece of regulation.

01 Aug 2022

Jessica List: Is tax relief reform consensus actually possible?

Jessica List looks at the tax relief reform conundrum and asks if it will ever be possible to reach an agreement on the best solution...

26 Jul 2022

Editor’s Comment: Boomers to fuel retirement advice demand

A new study provides strong evidence that demand for regulated advice in the run up to retirement is only going to grow in the coming years.

26 Jul 2022

Many ‘Boomers’ want to work past 70

A new survey warns that many Baby Boomers (those aged 58-75) are being forced into early retirement and would prefer to retire later - past 70 in many cases. Many say they would like to work later to boost retirement income and help their families.

25 Jul 2022

Just a quarter of those approaching retirement use, or plan to use, regulated financial advice

Aged from 58 to 75, baby boomers account for about 20 per cent of the UK population yet control nearly 80 per cent of the private wealth. For at least the next 10 years boomers will hold a high percentage of all current pension assets in accumulation and decumulation.

22 Jul 2022

Nearly a third of Boomers plan to work beyond state pension age

Nearly a third (31 per cent) of 58-75 year olds want to work beyond the state pension age of 66, a Dunstan Thomas report has revealed. Of those still working, 71 per cent plan to continue to do so beyond state pension age, a 15 per cent increase since Dunstan Thomas' previous survey in 2017.

22 Jul 2022

What options for renewable energy in a SIPP?

We’ve all seen the highly publicised and contentious increase in energy costs and are aware of the challenges that many households will be facing following the energy price cap change in April this year.

22 Jul 2022

Getting choices right at and in retirement

One of the most significant impacts of Pension Freedoms was the rapid fall in the number of annuities being purchased at the start of people’s retirements. Up until April 2015 over 90% of those accessing their DC assets at retirement did so via an annuity purchase

21 Jul 2022

Growing pensions divide among baby boomer savers

Baby boomer savers with defined benefit (DB) pensions were able to derive more from their pension towards their retirement income than those with defined contribution (DC) pensions, according to a new report by Dunstan Thomas.

19 Jul 2022

Baby boomers 'pushed' into retirement despite wanting to work longer

Retirement technology solutions provider Dunstan Thomas published its latest multimedia report bringing together its findings from a major nationwide study of UK Baby Boomers aged 58 to 75. The report includes market research, video interviews and analysis of findings from its nine month study of UK Baby Boomers' experiences leading up to and into full retirement.

15 Jul 2022

Advisers not meeting Britons' hunger for pension advice

Britons are hungry for advice in the lead-up to their retirement, but their needs are not being met by the industry due to the cost of the advice model, research has shown.

07 Jul 2022

Jessica List: These pension statistics highlight inequalities

On 17 June the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released data relating to retirement savings in Great Britain, taken from the latest Wealth and Assets Survey covering the period from April 2018 to March 2020.

31 May 2022

Will Self: 21 years in the world of SIPPs

Will Self: "It’s impossible to talk about changes in the SIPP market without talking about how decumulation options have changed. The environment has completely transformed from the days when most people bought annuities, and even drawdown came with fixed income limits."

31 May 2022

In some regions of the UK, the gap between the value of pensions of men and women is almost 50%

An informational animation created by Dunstan Thomas, featuring the state of the UK pensions & investments climate. In some regions of the UK, the gap between the value of pensions of men and women is almost 50%

26 May 2022

The UK State Pension is one of the worst in the developed world

An informational animation created by Dunstan Thomas, featuring the state of the UK pensions & investments climate.

24 May 2022

Jessica List: Painting pensions by numbers

HMRC recently released a range of statistics relating to personal and stakeholder pensions. Below Jessica List summarises the highlights and what they may mean for advisers' clients...

16 May 2022

Increased risk of much needed skills exodus if HR does not act to retain older workers

38% of Baby Boomers want to continue working into their 70s but HR departments are still pushing too many out in their early 60s.

13 May 2022

Jessica List: Pass the (property) parcel

There is a surprising amount of flexibility when it comes to succession planning with commercial property investments, making it an important part of the journey to consider for both clients and their beneficiaries. Jessica List explores commercial property in her latest PA article, in which she discusses two ways of passing on a commercial property pension investment...

11 May 2022

Pension LTA not always 'hard stop' limit

Tax Year 2021/22 is set to be a record year - the highest ever recorded for investing in Venture Capital Trusts (VCT). Total capital raised for investing in shares or securities, including loans of at least five years duration, in unquoted companies and those whose shares are traded on AIM is on target to reach £900m before the end of the current tax year.

06 May 2022

How ‘potting’ beats a stock market crisis

The major benefit of potting is by setting aside perhaps 20% of your portfolio in cash you can avoid selling down assets during periods when there is a lack of knowledge-based pricing and wait for a ‘new normal’ to appear.

22 Apr 2022

Inherit and exit is advisers’ next gen risk

Intergenerational fairness isn’t meant to pit generations against each other but draw attention to how economic or societal developments affect generations differently. It’s also the perfect opportunity to talk with clients about involving their families in their succession planning.

21 Apr 2022

The data economy conundrum

It's a complex world. On one hand, I worry about who has access to my personal data and how they are using it. On the other, I get incredibly frustrated when I can't immediately resolve the latest annoying failure of my ageing memory (normally music trivia).

12 April 2022

2.1 million pensioners are living in poverty after housing costs

An informational animation created by Dunstan Thomas, featuring the state of the UK pensions & investments climate. 2.1 million pensioners are living in poverty after housing costs

7 Apr 2022

Calls for digital pension comms grow amid lack of member engagement

Two-fifths (40 per cent) of Baby Boomers aged 58 and over with defined contribution (DC) pensions do not remember receiving a wake up pack, while a further 30 per cent believe they never received a wake-up pack, according to research from Dunstan Thomas.

30 Mar 2022

State pension age: Britons fall below ‘comfortable’ living - will you have to work longer?

Traditionally, state pension age was 60 for women and 65 for men, but it then underwent a process of equalisation. Now, both sexes are entitled to retire at the same age - but whether people choose to or not is a different matter entirely.

29 Mar 2022

Over a third of baby boomers set to retire later than SPA

According to the Dunstan Thomas’ nationwide study, the average length of time that this group plans to work beyond their 66th birthday is 4.3 years when they will be over 70 years old. The current average retirement age of this generation is rising steadily and now stands at 63.4 years, the study found.

25 Mar 2022

More Boomers working beyond state pension age

Nearly 40% of Baby Boomers are likely to work beyond state pension age according to research from Dunstan Thomas. In fact, 38% of Boomers aged 58 to 75 are set to retire later than the current state pension age of 66. The average length of time that this group plan to work on beyond their 66th birthday is 4.3 years. It means they look to retire beyond the age of 70.

23 Mar 2022

A quarter of Baby Boomers will consult a regulated financial adviser before retiring

A quarter (25 per cent) of Baby Boomers plan to or have already used regulated financial advice to gain more knowledge about pensions before they fully retire. A further 15 per cent plan to use, or have already used, guidance services from the likes of Citizens Advice Bureau, MoneyHelper and Pension Wise services.

23 Mar 2022

Chancellor has left it too late to raid Pensions Tax-Free Cash on Budget Day

There is some speculation that on Spring Budget Day on Wednesday 23rd March, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak will announce plans to phase out or even scrap tax-free cash as he searches for ways to recoup HM Treasury losses incurred during the pandemic and pay for anticipated new costs associated with placing stringent economic sanctions on Russia as it continues to prosecute its war on Ukraine.

22 Mar 2022

Burgeoning demand from Boomers for regulated advice

Research by technology solutions provider Dunstan Thomas finds there is a burgeoning demand for financial advice among unretired Baby Boomers. Over a third of them have not yet calculated how much retirement income they will be able to take from accessing all their pension and investment savings at retirement. That represents 49% of all the people between 58 and 75 years old in the UK.

15 Mar 2022

Warning pension tax free cash lingering in bank accounts

Research from Dunstan Thomas showed 43 per cent of Britain’s baby boomers, those aged between 58 and 75, have accessed their 25 per cent tax free cash at least in part. Of those, a quarter (24 per cent) had put the cash straight into their bank account, where it is being threatened by rising inflation.

15 Mar 2022

Almost a quarter of Baby Boomers have fully withdrawn their tax-free pension lump sum

Nearly a quarter (24 per cent) of people aged between 58 and 75 have already taken out all of their tax-free pension lump sum, a survey by Dunstan Thomas has found. According to the research, a further 19 per cent had taken out some of their 25 per cent tax-free pension allowance, meaning that 43 per cent of Baby Boomers had accessed their tax-free allowance. Of those who had taken some or all of their pension tax-free cash, 24 per cent had put the cash straight into the bank.

15 Mar 2022

Dunstan Thomas has conducted research on how the UK’s Baby Boomers aged 58 to 75 have used their tax-free cash

43%: Of Baby Boomers have already taken their tax-free cash. 13% Used it to pay down unsecured debt including credit card debts. 10% Used it to pay for home improvements

11 Mar 2022

What can we learn from CDCs’ focus on communications?

One of the reasons why those incredibly thirsty Formula One racing cars still attract a huge following is the transferable technology benefits to road cars. Despite only managing around six miles per gallon around the track, top name sponsors still queue up to be involved with them because they have so much to offer that could reduce wear and tear for us regular car users down the road.

09 Mar 2022

Decumulation pathways in the digital age

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) launched investment pathways last year, to help non-advised customers as they approach the transition from accumulation to decumulation.The theory was to increase engagement in the range of options open to policyholders in the wake of pension freedoms and at the same time address growing numbers who had taken their tax-free cash and left the other three-quarters of the pot held in cash.

01 Mar 2022

Jessica List: Which LTA protections are still available?

Lifetime allowance (LTA) protection is still one of the most popular topics we receive technical queries about at Curtis Banks. It's easy to understand why: with eight different forms available (counting all the enhancement factors as a single type), all with different rules and requirements, it's not easy remembering exactly how each works.

08 Feb 2022

Jessica List: Potential Problems with PCLS Decoupling

This recommendation was one of several made in the Work and Pensions Committee’s recent report into the risks that have arisen from pension freedoms. I’m not sure how decoupling on its own would help savers achieve better outcomes.

01 Feb 2022

Adrian Boulding: ESG retirement investing from a client perspective

Adrian Boulding looks at ESG investing in the pensions space and shares how clients can invest to save the planet while protecting their retirement income. The growing awareness of the climate emergency and a greater focus on creating a fairer, more inclusive, and equitable society accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to widespread governmental and regulatory changes.

16 Dec 2021

Jessica List: Five things advisers should remember about carry forward

A new client's pension contribution history can be patchy, writes Jessica List, who outlines five easily forgotten points about carry forward rules for advisers. When looking into a new client's pension savings, you might discover that their contribution history is patchy at best.

03 Nov 2021

Adrian Boulding: Do CDCs offer the best of both?

Understanding the advantages collective defined contribution pension schemes can offer clients
The DWP recently launched its consultation on draft collective defined contribution pensions scheme regulations, which is due to close on 31 August. Once these regulations are firmed up, by the end of this year in all probability, single or connected employers will be able to open collective defined contribution schemes for their employees.

14 Oct 2021

Jessica List: Using DC pensions to transfer wealth

For many people, defined contribution pensions are now a significant consideration when it comes to intergenerational planning. We often hear from advisers that, where clients have other potential sources of retirement income, they will try to leave a DC pension intact due to the death benefits planning opportunities.

7 Oct 2021

Chris Read: Onwards and upwards

It’s a busy time indeed for headhunters and recruitment agents alike. Demand is outstripping the supply of talent, and I’m not just talking about the scarcity of HGV drivers now. As the hybrid workplace takes hold, there is an increasing strain on HR departments to develop new working policies, while simultaneously responding to rapid salary inflation.

6 Oct 2021

Jessica List: RP case studies- Ill-health early retirement

Jessica List looks at an ill-health retirement case study where a SIPP comes in handy... Julia is 51. She has suffered from osteoarthritis since her early 40s, which has gradually been making it harder for her to continue running her boutique clothing store. Julia has been maximising her pension contributions to her SIPP over the last few years, intending to retire at 55 when she reaches the current normal minimum pension age.

4 Oct 2021

Presenting a balanced view of pensions consolidation

Consolidation – there’s a lot of it about at the moment. I attended a speech by pensions minister Guy Opperman (yes, a real one in the flesh) in which he lauded his forthcoming legislation that will use the cloak of value for money to force sub-£100m occupational pension schemes to consolidate. And who can argue with improved member outcomes?

21 Sep 2021

Working 9-5?

In one of my recent lockdown thought pieces which Retirement Planner kindly gives space to each month, I alluded to the perils of failing to prepare for long-term care (LTC) provision. I mentioned the heartache that this is causing families up and down the land as the children of more and more parents face the prospect of finding the considerable amounts to pay for it.

14 Sep 2021

Building long-term care provision into centralised retirement propositions

In one of my recent lockdown thought pieces which Retirement Planner kindly gives space to each month, I alluded to the perils of failing to prepare for long-term care (LTC) provision. I mentioned the heartache that this is causing families up and down the land as the children of more and more parents face the prospect of finding the considerable amounts to pay for it.

26 Aug 2021

Do CDCs offer the best of both?

The DWP recently launched its consultation on draft collective defined contribution pensions scheme regulations, which is due to close on 31 August. Once these regulations are firmed up, by the end of this year in all probability, single or connected employers will be able to open collective defined contribution schemes for their employees.

25 Aug 2021

We are all revolutionaries now

We are all revolutionaries now. We are participants and actors in the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). This revolution is a global event, and its intensity is picking up as time goes on. The 4IR as a term was first coined by Klaus Schwab the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

23 Aug 2021

Will Self: What is a SIPP and how can it benefit you?

Curtis Banks Group CEO Will Self explores the fundamentals of what a SIPP is and tackles the most commonly asked SIPP questions in the East Anglian Daily Times. Read the full article here.

02 Aug 2021

Paying it forward

Much has been written on intergenerational transfer of wealth. It is a key focus for financial advice and consequently a key opportunity for present and future value across the industry. The Resolution Foundation in 2017 wrote extensively on the intergenerational contract: the principle that different generations provide support to each other across the different stages of their lives.

26 Jul 2021

Clients facing crippling care costs? Here's a four-step safety net

We’re getting older and sicker. While the government twiddles its thumbs on the solution, there is plenty you can do to set clients up for a good care outcome.

16 Jul 2021

Turning the personal data tables'

Andrew Martin looks at the personal data economy, asks if consumers have enough protection and explores the implications for advice and wealth management.

15 Jul 2021

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think

Prince Buster was a Jamaican Ska singer-songwriter. If you like Madness or the Specials, you’ll know where their influences came from. In any event, as the summer staycation rain fell last weekend, I popped into my local independent record store and spent an hour or so flipping through the records. I came across a Prince Buster album with a great album cover and just had to buy it.

06 Jul 2021

Jessica List: Stronger nudges 'no substitute for advice'

The regulator’s plan to introduce a stronger nudge to pension guidance could lead to more people seeking advice, industry experts have claimed. Pensions commentators have dismissed concerns that a push towards guidance could undermine advisers, saying the advice process can provide much better support for clients.

01 Jul 2021

Why it’s time to focus on sustainability, compassion and awareness

You may recall back in the early spring the national media were crowing about the speed and effectiveness of the UK vaccination programme. Some were keen to compare it against the sluggish start by the EU. It was as if the UK vaccination roll-out here was somehow a vindication of Brexit.

18 Jun 2021

When it’s time to trade a SIPP in for a SSAS

Small self-administered schemes (SSAS) had been around for 17 years before its younger brother self-invested personal pensions (SIPP) got here in 1990, offering many of the investment freedoms SSAS members had been enjoying but without the need for a sponsoring employer.

10 Jun 2021

Deep thinking required on client vulnerability

It's nearly two years since the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its seminal‘Guidance Consultation 19-03' on the treatment of vulnerable customers and three months since the regulator concluded its final guidance entitled: ‘FG21/1 Guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers'...

10 Jun 2021

Integrating LTC into pension planning and provision

My mother is 92 and requires full-time care. Like many of her generation, as we pass the D-Day anniversary she vividly recalls her days as teenager in the war, in her case, in Malta. She could differentiate a German bomber from an Italian bomber no less, by the tone of its engines as they flew overhead to bomb the harbours around Valletta.

1 Jun 2021

Fully ‘vaxxed’ and making plans

This evening I had my second jab, the AZ flavour. I hope I’ll be okay tomorrow. Last time around, after the first jab I had a bout of shivers and sweats the following day. As of today, over 60 million vaccinations have been administered in the UK, with over 22.6 million people having received two jabs.

18 May 2021

Jessica List: Five top tips for land purchases

It’s well known that when it comes to commercial property investments, pensions can only purchase the bricks and mortar: anything moveable such as fixtures and fittings aren’t allowed. But what about cases where there isn’t even a building?

17 May 2021

Can machine learning give IFA clients an ESG investment selection edge?

It’s well known that when it comes to commercial property investments, pensions can only purchase the bricks and mortar: anything moveable such as fixtures and fittings aren’t allowed. But what about cases where there isn’t even a building?

13 May 2021

Come fly with me

The middle of May is fast approaching and there’s a great deal of expectancy associated with further easing of lockdown flowing through the country. I write this article in flight. Above the deep blue Mediterranean, tufts of distant clouds seem to anticipate my arrival in Malta – the land of my birth.

29 Apr 2021

To Zoom or not to Zoom, that is the question

28 Apr 2021

Five benefit statement pointers and one to avoid

20 Apr 2021

The spectre of negative interest rates

15 Apr 2021

What will pensions look like 99 years from now?

6 Apr 2021

Transforming retirement planning with big data and AI

25 Mar 2021

Jessica List: Pensions At Age 75 - The Big Event

25 Mar 2021

Lockdown lessons as offices open up

12 Mar 2021

Advisers must prepare for negative interest rates

11 Mar 2021

Business lessons from Aesop’s Fables

5 Mar 2021

Exploring the power of AI to provide more accurate ESG ratings

4 Mar 2021

Tech is real hero in pension charge disclosure story

25 Feb 2021

Applying the Stockdale Paradox to lockdown life

16 Feb 2021

Jessica List: Key SIPP Developments

11 Feb 2021

Chris Read: The Covid-19 Divine Comedy

28 Jan 2021

Chris Read: As one door closes another one opens

28 Jan 2021

Adrian Boulding: Helping Gen X clients boost 'bleak' pension prospects

20 Jan 2021

Will Self: 2021 Outlook for SIPPs

14 Jan 2021

Chris Read: The ‘Great Reset’ requires positive thinking

14 Jan 2021

Adrian Boulding: Go against the pack and consider an annuity

12 Jan 2021

Jessica List: What’s in store for 2021?

17 Dec 2020

Chris Read: Points mean prizes when it comes to health IDs

16 Dec 2020

Andrew Martin: Growing your business with 'chatbot wizardry''

9 Dec 2020

Adrian Boulding: First steps along the 'investment pathway'

8 Dec 2020

Adrian Boulding: Making the most of pension contributions

1 Dec 2020

Chris Read: Be prepared for inevitable business change

30 Nov 2020

Dunstan Thomas Gen X research cited in ILC UK Report

24 Nov 2020

Finding optimism by embracing the unknown

24 Nov 2020

Adrian Boulding: SSAS advantages in 10 key points

12 Nov 2020

Adrian Boulding: SSAS market ripe for service upgrade

5 Nov 2020

A Letter from Uganda

22 Oct 2020

Reaching out to Generation Zoom via snail mail

22 Oct 2020

What advisers need to know about the impact of BTL rule changes

15 Oct 2020

Have you had the ESG chat with clients?

12 Oct 2020

Don’t miss out on ESG opportunities

8 Oct 2020

Lockdown lessons from astronauts

2 Oct 2020

Wealth managers 'to accelerate digital transformation'

30 Sep 2020

Covid sell-off forces DFMs to address tech shortcomings

30 Sep 2020

Covid-19 'accelerates' wealth management digital transformation

29 Sep 2020

Covid-19 will accelerate shift to fixed fee models

29 Sep 2020

Post-pandemic workplaces must stimulate creativity as well as safe collaboration

15 Sep 2020

Bringing life back to the office

3 Sep 2020

London work trip concentrates the mind on workplace change

2 Sep 2020

Managing decumulation journeys through Covid-19 market uncertainties