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14 Oct 2019
The Innovation Day encourages everyone at Dunstan Thomas to undertake a project idea that is innovative and fun, that is not available to them during the normal working hours. The kinds of project ideas include streamlining internal or external processes and make the staff’s own work routines easier, or a project completely detached from regular day-to-day operations. This promotes innovative thinking, which in turn can lead to new software solutions being adopted by teams or across the business as a whole.
The recent Innovation Day was held on Friday 27th September, in which staff were provided the opportunity to work on, improve and present their own innovative ideas to their peers and senior management. The strong participation from all parts of the business shows the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit alongside a keen focus on continuous improvement.
The event lasted all day – with many employees staying late to add the finishing touches to their projects. Thirteen different groups took part in the event – each demonstrating innovative thinking, self-motivation and creativity. The projects that were worked on included a release note generator, a centralised logging facility on a multi-tenant environment and a customer support bot. Other projects included a face game app and an Alexa quiz, both designed to help colleagues to get to know each other better.
Each group presented their work back to their peers and the senior management. Each project was scored to find out the most popular. The winner of the event was David Collins, with his ‘Doing More with Less’ idea – which looked at using Docker Containers for test environments, which in turn would reduce cluster storage for test environments by up to 95% and save costs.
Dunstan Thomas hold Innovation Days twice per year – the next event will be in the first half of 2020.