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16 Sep 2020
Dunstan Thomas has officially re-opened their Lakeside Office in Portsmouth with COVID-19 adjustments. These adjustments range from one-way routing and hand sanitisers, antibacterial wipes and sprays to the return of the “Tea Service”. The role of the Tea Service is to reduce the crowding in the canteen and coffee stations.
Chris Read, CEO of Dunstan Thomas says:
"The Canteen is at the heart of our office, a space where colleagues can catch up over lunch or a cup of coffee. We have had to adapt this by offering a 'Tea Service', whereby a designated staff member will bring round various refreshments to the staff present in the office".
"While the hub of conversation has lessened, the interactions between staff members as they journey around the office firmly upholds the spirit of Dunstan Thomas”.
“The Lockdown has created new habits that have become so impressionable and therefore a return from the comfort of homeworking is hard to shift. We have created a great little animation of what to expect on the return to the office. The animation is fun and anatomically correct in size for our office"